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✏️ Pattern

Pattern is a string describing how to generate output from an input.

Use --explain flag to print detailed explanation what a certain pattern does.

rew --explain 'file_{c|<3:0}.{e}'


By default, pattern characters are directly copied to output.

Input Pattern Output
(any) abc abc

Characters { and } form an expression which is evaluated and replaced in output. Empty expression {} evaluates directly to input value.

Input Pattern Output
world {} world
world Hello, {}! Hello, world!

Expression may contain one or more filters, separated by |. Filters are consecutively applied on input value.

Input Pattern Output Description
old.JPEG new.{e} new.JPEG Extension
old.JPEG new.{e|l} new.jpeg Extension, Lowercase
old.JPEG new.{e|l|r:e} new.jpg Extension, Lowercase, Remove e

Use -q, --quote flag to automatically wrap output of every expression in quotes.

echo abc | rew {}     # Will print  abc
echo abc | rew {} -q  # Will print 'abc'
echo abc | rew {} -qq # Will print "abc"


Character % starts an escape sequence.

Sequence Description
%/ System directory separator
\ on Windows
/ everywhere else
%n Line feed
%r Carriage return
%t Horizontal tab
%0 Null
%{ Escaped {
%| Escaped |
%} Escaped {
%% Escaped %

Use --escape option to set a different escape character.

rew '{R:%t: }'              # Replace tabs with spaces
rew '{R:\t: }' --escape='\' # The same thing, different escape character
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