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🗃 Examples

ℹī¸ Use rew --explain <pattern> to print detailed explanation what a certain pattern does.

Path processing

Print contents of the current working directory as absolute paths.

rew '{a}' *

The previous * shell expansion would not work for an empty directory. As a workaround, we can read paths from standard input.

dir | rew '{a}'

Batch rename

Rename all *.jpeg files to *.jpg.

find -name '*.jpeg' | rew -d '{B}.jpg' | mvb -v

The same thing but we generate and execute shell code.

find -name '*.jpeg' | rew -q 'mv -v {} {B}.jpg' | sh

Normalize base names of files to file_001, file_002, ...

find -type f | rew -d '{d}/file_{C|<3:0}{E}' | mvb -v

Flatten directory structure ./dir/subdir/ to ./dir_subdir/.

find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | rew -d '{D}_{F}' | mvb -v

Batch copy

Make backup copy of each *.txt file with .txt.bak extension in the same directory.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -d '{}.bak'  | cpb -v

Copy *.txt files to the ~/Backup directory. Preserve directory structure.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -d "$HOME/Backup/{p}"  | cpb -v

The same thing but with collapsed output directory structure.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -d "$HOME/Backup/{f}"  | cpb -v

The same thing but we also append randomly generated base name suffix to avoid collisions.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -d "$HOME/Backup/{b}_{U}.{e}"  | cpb -v

Text processing

Normalize line endings in a file to LF

rw <input.txt >output.txt # LF is the default output terminator

Normalize line endings in a file to CR+LF.

rew -T$'\r\n' <input.txt >output.txt

Replace tabs with 4 spaces.

rew '{R:%t:    }' <input.txt >output.txt

That would also normalize line endings. To prevent such behaviour, we can process the text as a whole.

rew -rR '{R:%t:    }' <input.txt >output.txt

Print the first word from each line in lowercase and with removed diacritics (accents).

rew '{=\S+|v|i}' <input.txt

CSV editing

Swap the first and second column in a CSV file.

rew -e'([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)' '{$2},{$1},{$3}' <input.csv >output.csv

The same thing but we use regex replace filter.

rew '{s/([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)/$2,$1,$3}' <input.csv >output.csv
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