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⭐️ Regex filters

Regex replace

Filter Description
s:X:Y Replace first match of a regular expression X with Y.
Y can reference capture groups from X using $0, $1, $2, ...
Any other character than : can be also used as a delimiter.
s:X Remove first match of a regular expression X.
Equivalent to s:X:.
Same as s but replaces/removes all matches.


Input Pattern Output
12_34 {s:\d+:x} x_34
12_34 {S:\d+:x} x_x
12_34 {s:(\d)(\d):$2$1} 21_34
12_34 {S:(\d)(\d):$2$1} 21_43

Regex match

Filter Description
=E Match of a regular expression E.


Input Pattern Output
12_34 {=\d+} 12

Regex switch

Filter Description
@:X:Y Output Y if input matches regular expression X
Output nothing when there is no match..
Y can reference capture groups from X using $0, $1, $2, ...
Any other character than : can be also used as a delimiter.
@:X:Y:D Output Y if input matches regular expression X.
Output D when there is no match.
@:X1:Y1:...:Xn:Yn:D Output Yi for first regular expression Xi that matches input.
Output D when there is no match.
@:D A switch without any Xi/Yi cases which will always output D.


Input Pattern Output
(any) {@:def} def
12 {@:^\d+$:number} number
1x {@:^\d+$:number} (empty)
12 {@:^\d+$:number:string} number
1x {@:^\d+$:number:string} string
ab {@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed} lower
AB {@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed} upper
Ab {@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed} mixed
a=b {@/(.+)=(.*)/key: $1, value: $2/invalid} key: a, value: b
ab {@/(.+)=(.*)/key: $1, value: $2/invalid} invalid

Global regex

Filter Description
$0, $1, $2, ... Capture group of a global regular expression.
  • Use -e, --regex or -E, --regex-filename option to define a global regular expression.
  • Option -e, --regex matches regex against each input value.
  • Option -E, --regex-filename matches regex against filename component of each input value.
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -e '([a-z])' '{$1}' # Will print 'a'
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -E '([a-z])' '{$1}' # Will print 'b'
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